Commercial Insurance

Commercial Insurance covers liability exposures arising out of your business operations.It operate as a combination of Public and Product Liability policies and also offers various supplementary covers.

Get the Right Coverage

Many Insurance companies provide specialized insurance for corporates, firms, their officers and directors etc. They offer protection against a range of corporate risks like white collar crimes, litigation, extortion attempts and employee disputes, strikes and more.


Forefront Portfolio: This insurance offers solutions to small and medium enterprises to help manage their corporate & individual exposures to business environment & risks.

Directors Officers Liability: A broad cover to protect the company authorities from various possible business risks.

Crime Insurance: A comprehensive coverage for white collar crimes.

Mutual Fund Protection:A broad coverage to provide financial stability to Mutual Fund professionals with sound underwriting and responsive service.

Employment Liability: An insurance against employee related lawsuits can be availed through this policy.

Venture Capital:Through this policy you can eliminate any gaps in your company’s insurance programme as you can combine all the management liability & management indemnification that lie outside directorship and professional services Liability.

Educator’s Professional Liability Insurance:The policy provides coverage to administrators, teachers and educators against personal and financial liabilities for their alleged actions or inactions.

Kidnap/Ransom and Extortion Insurance:Professional assistance before, during, and after a Kidnapping or extortion threat is a vital element of corporate risk management.