
Money Insurance

The Money insurance policy covers:

  • Loss, destruction or damage to money inclusive of wages & salaries by any cause whilst in transit in charge of Insured messenger and/or employee as detailed in the policy and within the territorial limits until arrival at the Insured premises and/or other places of disbursement.
  • oss of money drawn as wages and salaries by any cause whilst in the Insured premises and until paid out.
  • Loss of money by any cause whilst in the Insured premises in locked safe or strong room and also damage to the safe or strong room caused by burglars and thieves.

Burglary Insurance

Burglary Insurance policy covers:

  • Loss or damage to the property insured by theft following upon actual, forcible and violent entry into the premises.
  • Damage to the premises following upon entry as above or any attempt thereat.
  • The indemnity provided is to the extent of the intrinsic value of the property so lost or damaged, subject to the limit of the sum insured.

Carriers Legal Liability Insurance

Carrier Legal Liability Insurance policy covers:

  • Damage to cargo directly caused by fire, explosion or accident to the carrying vehicle.
  • Carrier`s liability for Cargo.
  • Cargo salvage, trans-shipment, emergency storage costs.
  • Financial loss due to the lost freight in respect of the damaged part of the cargo.
  • Legal and other costs, incurred in the litigation against the claimants.
  • Costs of average adjusters.
  • Breakage due to improper handling.
  • Flood or water damage or damage by other cargo.

Fidelity Guarantee (FG) Insurance

Fidelity Guarantee Insurance policy covers:

  • Commercial Fidelity Guarantee Policy provides indemnity against loss of money or goods as a result of acts of Fraud or dishonesty on the part of employees.
  • The cover may be required in respect of a single employee or a number of employees. There are three types of policies normally issued for this class of business viz. Individual Policy, Collective Policy and Floating policy.

All Risks (Jewellers & Valuables) Insurance

All Risks (Jewellers & Valuables) Insurance policy covers loss or damage to your jewellers and valuables by accident or misfortune whilst kept, worn or carried anywhere in India subject to the value declared in the schedule. All values must be supported by an Invoice or Valuation Certificate from a Certified Valuer.

Plate Glass Insurance

Plate Glass Insurance policy covers breakage of Fixed Glass items in the premises due to an accident. Glass means normal Glass and mirror in or on the premises. It will include partitions, doors, windows glass top of furniture, counter cases, display units, shelves and mirrors. The value of glass will include cost of painting, tinting, embossing or ornamental work (if applicable).

Pedal Cycles (All Risks) Insurance

Pedal Cycle Insurance policy covers:

  • loss or damage to pedal cycles by Fixed Plate Glass in the premises, Fire & allied perils, Burglary, housebreaking, theft, Accidental external means,
  • Third party personal injury or Third party property damage for Rs.10,000/-.

Neon Sign/Glow Sign Insurance

This policy indemnifies loss of or damage to neon sign/ glow sign by Accidental external means like Fire, lightning or external explosion or theft, Riot, strike, malicious or terrorist act, Flood, inundation, storm, tempest, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, cyclone

Baggage Insurance

Baggage Insurance policy covers loss or damage to accompanied personal baggage of insured or baggage in connection with his trade, whilst anywhere in India, by accident or misfortune.

Householders Insurance Package Policy

This package policy comprises 10 sections as given here under:
Section I – Fire & Allied Perils

  • Coverage for building.
  • Covers contents of the dwelling belonging to the proposer and his/her family members permanently residing with him/her.
Section II – Burglary & House breaking including larceny and theft.

  • Covers contents of the dwelling against loss due to burglary, house breaking, larceny or theft.
Section III – All Risks (jewellers & Valuables)

  • Covers loss or damage to your jewellers and valuables by accident or misfortune whilst kept, worn or carried anywhere in India subject to the value declared in the schedule.
Section IV- Plate Glass Insurance-

  • Fixed Plate Glass in the premises.
Section V – Breakdown of Domestic appliances (Machinery Breakdown)

  • Covers domestic appliances against unforeseen and sudden physical damage due to mechanical or electrical breakdown.
Section VI – T.V. Set including VCP/VCR (ALL RISKS)

  • Covers loss or damage to T.V. Sets including VCD/DVD player by fire and allied perils, burglary, house breaking or theft, breakage due to accidental external means, mechanical or electrical breakdown. Any legal liability arising out of bodily injury or accidental death of any person other than insured`s family members or employee as also damage to property not belonging to or in the custody of insured , caused by use of the T.V. Set is also covered up to a limit of Rs.25,000/-.
Section VII – Pedal Cycles (All Risks) Covers loss or damage to pedal cycles by:

  • Fixed Plate Glass in the premises.
  • Fire & allied perils
  • Burglary, housebreaking, theft
  • Accidental external means
  • Third party personal injury or Third party property damage for Rs.10,000/-
Section VIII – Baggage Insurance

  • Covers loss or damage to insured`s accompanied baggage by accident or misfortune whilst the insured is traveling on tour or holiday anywhere in India.
Section IX – Personal Accident

  • Covers Death or bodily injury by accidental, violent, external and visible means to the insured person named in the schedule and subject to limits specified therein.
Section X – Public Liability

  • Covers Insured`s legal liability for bodily injury or loss of or damage to property of third party limited to amount specified in the schedule and workmen`s compensation liability to domestic servants engaged in insured`s premises.

Shopkeepers Insurance Package Policy

This package policy comprises 9 sections as given here under:
Section I – Building & Contents

  • Covers shop building and/or contents therein against loss or damage caused by Fire & Allied.
Section II – Burglary & Housebreaking

  • Covers contents of insured shop premises (excluding money and valuables) against loss or damage by burglary and/or housebreaking,
Section III – Money Insurance

  • Covers loss of money in transit, loss of money/valuables whilst contained in a locked safe, loss of money contained in cashiers till and/or counter by burglary/housebreaking.
Section IV – Pedal – Cycles

  • All risk cover against any damage to the pedal cycle.
  • It also covers legal liability of insured for death/injury to third parties or damage to their property arising out of use of the insured pedal cycles.
Section V – Neon Sign/Glow Sign

  • Covers loss or damage to the neon sign/ glow sign by Accidental & external means.
Section VI – Baggage

  • Covers loss or damage to accompanied personal baggage of insured or baggage in connection with his trade, whilst anywhere in India, by accident or misfortune
Section VII – Personal Accident

  • Covers insured and spouse and/or his children, named in the schedule and aged between 5&70 years, against bodily injury caused solely and directly by accident and resulting in death or permanent total or partial disablement or temporary total disablement within 12 calendar months of such injury.
Section VIII – Fidelity Guarantee

  • Covers direct pecuniary loss suffered by the insured due to fraud or dishonesty committed by any of insured`s salaried employees.
Section IX – Public Liability

  • Covers Legal liability in respect of accidental death or bodily injury to a third party or accidental damage to their property during performance of any act in connection with insured`s business.